Construction Arborist Reports

Construction arborist reports can be requested by building owners who are looking for information on what trees may interfere with construction plans.
Construction Arborist Reports
Construction arborist reports can be requested by building owners who are looking for information on what trees may interfere with construction plans.
Sometimes, when building a house or office space in the city, trees may be in the way. For example, height, location, canopy size and density may be crucial factors in determining how obstructive a tree could potentially be.
Contact our arborists before any project begins, we will assess the area, get as much information as possible and give recommendations on what needs to be done.
Construction arborist reports may seem like just another bureaucratic process you need to go through before starting construction on a property or renovation project. But it is much more than that! These reports outline the location of trees, the species type and size, any hazardous tree conditions and any potential impacts on structures or utility lines.

This information is essential when it comes time to apply for permits or final inspections. If you're someone in charge of the construction or planning process, it may be time to start implementing these reports into your planning process as well.

We can also help you with compliance orders for municipalities
